After Effects can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. The addition of a few moving objects, words and sound FX can be very beneficial for creating the effect you may want. Watch me demonstrate some of the simple uses this program offers, combined with other visual attributes.
Kinetic type is one of the most interesting visual forms of communicating information. Be it an ad for a new car, or the opening credits to one of your favorite movies, this motion filled display of graphics can be very powerful.
I had such a blast making my 3D animation reel. After years of bicycle shop experience, I was finally able to realize my "Master Link" concept. I took the three main parts of a bike chain master link and put a Kung-fu twist on things. Watch this inanimate object take life, along with a short rendering of one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite singer song artists, Jesse Chong.
This Hi Voltage Clothing promo rough shows the use of green screening, kinetic type, and frame by frame effects, all in one 20 sec treatment. Given the client's need for a unique and appealing selling proposition, goals were reached through the use of sound FX, and the contrast between establishing shots and close up shots.
RM Design
757.718.1197 - Virginia Beach VA
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